Introducing Twitter Notes: Long Form Essays Up to 2,500 Words + Edits
Twitter has publicly released a new post type that allows for long form writing. Twitter Notes allow for long form written essays that include a 100 word title, 2,500 words of text, and embedded images, videos, and Tweets + edits.
What are Twitter Notes?
Prior to Notes, anyone that wanted to post a long written essay, had to do it as a Twitter thread and break up the writing into individual posts, each under 280 characters. Twitter threads, sometimes known as “Tweetstorms” have become quite popular in recent years. There is clearly a market for longer form content within the Twitter apps.
When sharing a Note on Twitter it creates a card, which is a link to the full Note.
While the current beta release is called a “test” by the Twitter Write team, they do expect to expand access beyond the initial users.
Some current limitations of Notes are that they do not support direct reactions or replies, and they launch in a browser in the mobile Twitter apps.
Additional features of Notes include pre and post-published edits and a Notes tab on the profile on the author showing all the published Notes. Edited Notes retain the original URL and the writer has to inform the reader of edited updates in the Note.
Twitter Notes API
One of the most useful capabilities of Twitter Notes will be API access. An API allows 3rd parties, such as Ayrshare, to Tweet Notes automatically or on behalf of your users. Currently, the Twitter Notes API is not yet available, but with the recent V2 API upgrade we hope a Notes API will soon be introduced.
We are excited about Twitter Notes. It is a great new addition to the Twitter platform, giving writers more control while opening up the potential for longer form content.