Available on Premium, Business, Enterprise plans.

Auto scheduling allows you to create pre-defined posting schedules. You can set up multiple schedules, each with specific posting times on chosen days. Auto schedule is distinct from the scheduleDate field in the Publish Post endpoint.

Key Features of Auto Schedule

  • Create custom schedules, e.g., post at 9 AM, 2 PM, and 5 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays.
  • Posts are automatically queued in the next available time slot.
  • No limit on the number of schedules you can create.
  • Auto schedule is distinct from the scheduleDate field in the Publish Post endpoint and it is meant to automate scheduling. You should use either auto schedule or scheduleDate, but not both.

Example Auto Schedule Scenario

  1. Current time: Monday, 10 AM (GMT).
  2. You create an auto schedule for posting at 9 AM and 5 PM.
  3. You add three posts to this schedule.
  4. The system automatically schedules these posts for: Monday at 5 PM, Tuesday at 9 AM, and Tuesday at 5 PM.

Deleting a scheduled post doesn’t free up its time slot. For example, if you delete the Monday 5 PM post and add a new post to the same schedule, it will be placed in the next available slot (in this case, Wednesday at 9 AM).

Publish Using Auto Schedule

The schedule may be applied with the Publish Post endpoint using the following fields:

"autoSchedule": {
   "schedule": true, // required
   "title": "Schedule Title" // optional
  • schedule: (required) boolean set to true
  • title: (optional) string. title references the schedule set in the Set Auto Schedule endpoint. Default title is default.

Please see this article on using the auto scheduling API for more information.

User Profile Auto Schedule

Auto schedule for a particular user profile by adding the PROFILE_KEY in the header.