curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY" \
    "bluesky": [
            "comment": "Nice one this is",
            "commentId": "at://did:plc:62musrcyanhro2lydyhlw7ci/",
            "created": "2025-01-06T23:12:58.950Z",
            "displayName": "Ayrshare",
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            "replies": [],
            "replyCount": 0,
            "replyTo": "at://did:plc:n7atrjd22xgkmgwig6dzlhzd/",
            "repostCount": 0,
            "userName": ""
    "facebook": [
        {    // The most recent 1,000 comments retrieved.
            "comment": "What a great comment",
            "commentId": "806720068141593_1849585385469876", // Facebook Social Comment ID
            "commentCount": 3, // The number of replies to the comment
            "created": "2024-02-27T19:55:28Z",
            "from": {  // If available. Facebook determines availability based on the user's security profile and settings.
                "name": "John Smith",
                "id": "5075334022535844"
            "likeCount": 342,
            "platform": "facebook",
            "userName": "WondrousTimes", // If available. Facebook determines availability based on the user's security profile and settings.
            "userLikes": false,
            "replies": [ // Facebook replies to replies have the same parent id regardless of nesting.
                    "comment": "Nice Comment 2",
                    "commentId": "806720068141593_320599703877348",
                    "commentCount": 0,
                    "company": true,
                    "created": "2024-02-27T19:55:40Z",
                    "from": {
                        "name": "Sue Me",
                        "id": "5075334022535800"
                    "likeCount": 3,
                    "parent": {
                        "createdTime": "2024-02-27T19:55:28+0000",
                        "from": {
                            "name": "John Smith",
                            "id": "5075334022535844"
                        "message": "What a great comment",
                        "id": "806720068141593_1849585385469876"
                    "platform": "facebook",
                    "userLikes": false
    "instagram": [
        {    // The most recent 1,000 comments retrieved.
            "comment": "Love this post.",
            "commentId": "18030599567251077", // Instagram Social Comment ID
            "created": "2022-10-13T00:52:47Z",
            "from": {                    // If available. Instagram determines availability based on the user's security profile and settings.
                "name": "WondrousTimes",
                "id": "112775157855689"
            "hidden": false,    // Is the comment hidden
            "likeCount": 1,
            "parentId": "17999860012861", // The Instagram Social Post ID of the parent post. Only returned when using get by ID on a reply.
            "platform": "instagram",
            "postId": "18011025266302661", // The Instagram top level post ID (original post). 
            "replies": [
                    "created": "2024-04-04T22:37:39Z",
                    "from": {
                        "id": "178414522127073334",
                        "username": "ayrshare"
                    "hidden": false,
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                    "likeCount": 2,
                    "parentId": "178438334431963234",
                    "text": "@ayrshare Thanks",
                    "user": {
                        "id": "17841452212702234"
                    "username": "ayrshare"
            "user": {        // ID of Instagram user who created the comment.
                "id": "17841452212707498"
            "userName": "ayrshare" // If available. Instagram determines availability based on the user's security profile and settings.
    // Retrieve LinkedIn replies to comments by using the commentID with the Get Comments with Social Comment ID endpoint.
    "linkedin": [
            "comment": "New wonderful comment",
            "commentId": "6961077099692445688", // LinkedIn Social Comment ID
            "commentUrn": "urn:li:comment:(urn:li:activity:7141202289402236928,7141205176207503360)", // Social comment id from LinkedIn
            "created": "2022-08-04T21:55:11Z",
            "from": {
                "name": "Sue Smith",
                "id": "yb8P0Oq5l8",
                "url": "",
                "description": "Co-Founder at Smiths"
            "likeCount": 34,
            "media": [
                    "type": "image",
                    "url": ""
            "platform": "linkedin",
            "profileImageUrl": "",
            "userName": "suesmith"
        {   // Comment from a company
            "comment": "Love it",
            "commentId": "urn:li:comment:(urn:li:activity:71860989603258818,7186100659052515329)",
            "commentUrn": "urn:li:comment:(urn:li:activity:71860989603258818,7186100659052515329)",
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                "description": "Social Media API"
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            "organizationType": "PRIVATELY_HELD",
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            "userName": "ayrshare",
            "website": ""
    "reddit": [
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            "commentId": "kaxeilk",
            "created": "2023-11-27T03:09:06.000Z",
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                "id": "t2_3zaxa"
            "permalink": "/r/test/comments/184szm7/reddit_post_title/kaxeilk/",
            "subreddit": "test",
            "ups": 1,
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    "tiktok": [
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            "commentId": "7260964914699764523", // TikTok Social Comment ID
            "created": "2023-07-28T20:12:23Z",
            "displayName": "John Smith",
            "liked": false,     // Whether the user who posted the video has liked the comment.
            "likeCount": 24,
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                    "createTime": "2023-09-11 16:34:20",
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            "created": "2022-05-14T21:56:14.000Z",
            "description": "Eat great!",
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            "followingCount": 4,
            "id": "1552209331030036480",    // Twitter Social Post ID
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            "listedCount": 0,
            "name": "waffles",
            "platform": "twitter",
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            "referencedTweets": [   // ID of the tweet that was replied to
                    "type": "replied_to",
                    "id": "187203972440121733"
            "replyTo": {             // Who the comment was in reply to
                "createdAt": "2012-01-18T21:13:15.000Z",
                "description": "Social Media API",
                "id": "467793290",
                "location": "New York City",
                "name": "Ayrshare",
                "profileImageUrl": "",
                "publicMetrics": {
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                "username": "anothermadworld"
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            "userName": "waffles"
    "youtube": [
            "channelUrl": "",
            "comment": "Two comments",
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            "created": "2022-05-24T19:45:49Z",
            "isPublic": true, // This setting indicates whether the comment, including all of its comments and comment replies, is visible to all YouTube users.
            "likeCount": 34,
            "platform": "youtube",
            "profileImageUrl": "",
            "replies": [
                    "comment": "amazing reply",
                    "commentId": "UgzJFjmrrRUr6nsRWi14AaABAg.9ssbUo6Es1n9ssbVwRn2iz",
                    "created": "2023-08-01T15:59:16Z",
                    "likeCount": 2,
                    "platform": "youtube",
                    "userName": "uman",
                    "profileImageUrl": "",
                    "channelUrl": "",
                    "parentId": "UgzJFjmrrRUr6nsRWi14AaABAg"
            "userName": "ayrshare"
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            "comment": "One comment",
            "commentId": "Ugx0tiPuoUpXfrY0qvV4AaABAa", // YouTube Social Comment ID
            "created": "2022-05-24T19:00:10Z",
            "isPublic": true, // This setting indicates whether the comment, including all of its comments and comment replies, is visible to all YouTube users.
            "likeCount": 123,
            "platform": "youtube",
            "profileImageUrl": "",
            "userName": "ayrshare"
    "status": "success",
    "id": "Ut2fWU6XkqkMayHGnJZ7",
    "lastUpdated": "2023-03-26T22:30:13.035Z",
    "nextUpdate": "2023-03-26T22:41:13.035Z",
Available on Premium, Business, Enterprise plans.

Get comments for a post using the Ayrshare post ID, Social Post ID, Ayrshare Comment ID, or Social Comment ID with the Comment API.

Please see the Comments Overview for more information on the different ID types.

If using the Ayrshare Post ID no query parameters are required.

Additional Comment Details

  • Comment data is updated every 10 minutes for all platforms, with the exception of X. Due to restrictions imposed by the X API, the comment data for X is refreshed using an exponential backoff strategy, meaning the intervals between updates gradually increase over time.

  • In the Facebook response, comment replies to replies always have the same
  • Retrieve LinkedIn replies to comments by setting the "commentId": true and "searchPlatformId": true query parameters and providing the Social Comment ID in the path parameter.

  • Facebook and Instagram return up to the most recent 1,000 comments on a post. Please contact us regarding higher limits on the Enterprise plan.

Header Parameters

API Key of the Primary Profile.

Format: Authorization: Bearer API_KEY
Profile Key of a User Profile.

Format: Profile-Key: PROFILE_KEY

Path Parameters

Query Parameters


If getting comments on a post published via Ayrshare and using the Ayrshare Post ID, do not include this field - it defaults to false. If getting comments using the Social Post ID or Social Comment ID, which is the ID generated by the social networks, set to true.


If getting comments using the Social Comment ID, which is the comment ID generated by the social networks, set to true.

If getting comment using the Ayrshare Post ID or Social Post ID, do not include this field - it defaults to false.

If using the commentId query parameter, you must also set searchPlatformId to true.

Required if searchPlatformId or commentId is true.

When to use:

  • If using the Social Post ID and "searchPlatformId": true field. Supported platforms: bluesky, facebook, instagram, linkedin, tiktok, twitter, youtube,

  • If using the Social Comment ID and "searchPlatformId": true and "commentId": true fields. Supported platforms: facebook, instagram, linkedin.

  • If using the Ayrshare Post ID, do not include this field - comments will be returned from all platforms where the original post was published.

Comment GET Request Examples

// Ayrshare Post ID
GET /comments/:id
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY" \
    "bluesky": [
            "comment": "Nice one this is",
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            "created": "2025-01-06T23:12:58.950Z",
            "displayName": "Ayrshare",
            "likeCount": 0,
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            "quoteCount": 0,
            "replies": [],
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            "replyTo": "at://did:plc:n7atrjd22xgkmgwig6dzlhzd/",
            "repostCount": 0,
            "userName": ""
    "facebook": [
        {    // The most recent 1,000 comments retrieved.
            "comment": "What a great comment",
            "commentId": "806720068141593_1849585385469876", // Facebook Social Comment ID
            "commentCount": 3, // The number of replies to the comment
            "created": "2024-02-27T19:55:28Z",
            "from": {  // If available. Facebook determines availability based on the user's security profile and settings.
                "name": "John Smith",
                "id": "5075334022535844"
            "likeCount": 342,
            "platform": "facebook",
            "userName": "WondrousTimes", // If available. Facebook determines availability based on the user's security profile and settings.
            "userLikes": false,
            "replies": [ // Facebook replies to replies have the same parent id regardless of nesting.
                    "comment": "Nice Comment 2",
                    "commentId": "806720068141593_320599703877348",
                    "commentCount": 0,
                    "company": true,
                    "created": "2024-02-27T19:55:40Z",
                    "from": {
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                    "likeCount": 3,
                    "parent": {
                        "createdTime": "2024-02-27T19:55:28+0000",
                        "from": {
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                            "id": "5075334022535844"
                        "message": "What a great comment",
                        "id": "806720068141593_1849585385469876"
                    "platform": "facebook",
                    "userLikes": false
    "instagram": [
        {    // The most recent 1,000 comments retrieved.
            "comment": "Love this post.",
            "commentId": "18030599567251077", // Instagram Social Comment ID
            "created": "2022-10-13T00:52:47Z",
            "from": {                    // If available. Instagram determines availability based on the user's security profile and settings.
                "name": "WondrousTimes",
                "id": "112775157855689"
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            "platform": "instagram",
            "postId": "18011025266302661", // The Instagram top level post ID (original post). 
            "replies": [
                    "created": "2024-04-04T22:37:39Z",
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                        "username": "ayrshare"
                    "hidden": false,
                    "id": "18023114651100610", // Instagram Social Comment Id
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                    "text": "@ayrshare Thanks",
                    "user": {
                        "id": "17841452212702234"
                    "username": "ayrshare"
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                "id": "17841452212707498"
            "userName": "ayrshare" // If available. Instagram determines availability based on the user's security profile and settings.
    // Retrieve LinkedIn replies to comments by using the commentID with the Get Comments with Social Comment ID endpoint.
    "linkedin": [
            "comment": "New wonderful comment",
            "commentId": "6961077099692445688", // LinkedIn Social Comment ID
            "commentUrn": "urn:li:comment:(urn:li:activity:7141202289402236928,7141205176207503360)", // Social comment id from LinkedIn
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            "userName": "suesmith"
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            "comment": "Love it",
            "commentId": "urn:li:comment:(urn:li:activity:71860989603258818,7186100659052515329)",
            "commentUrn": "urn:li:comment:(urn:li:activity:71860989603258818,7186100659052515329)",
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            "founded": 2020,
            "from": {
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                "url": "",
                "description": "Social Media API"
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            "organizationType": "PRIVATELY_HELD",
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            "userName": "ayrshare",
            "website": ""
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            "created": "2023-11-27T03:09:06.000Z",
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            "likeCount": 123,
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            "userName": "ayrshare"
    "status": "success",
    "id": "Ut2fWU6XkqkMayHGnJZ7",
    "lastUpdated": "2023-03-26T22:30:13.035Z",
    "nextUpdate": "2023-03-26T22:41:13.035Z",