Link Analytics
Get analytics on shortened links
Return analytics for all shortened links or a single link for a given link ID. For example:
returns analytics for IDyC0fTl
returns all link analytics.
Header Parameters
Path Parameters
Provide the shortened link ID returned from the POST /links request as a path parameter. For example:
If no link ID is provided, all links are returned.
Query Parameters
Get history of links shortened after this date. Accepts a UTC date time. For example, use format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
and send as 2023-07-08T12:30:00Z
Get history of links shortened before this date. Accepts a UTC date time. For example, use format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
and send as 2023-07-08T12:30:00Z
Get history of links clicked after this date. Accepts a UTC date time. For example, use format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
and send as 2023-07-08T12:30:00Z
Get history of links clicked before this date. Accepts a UTC date time. For example, use format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
and send as 2023-07-08T12:30:00Z