If you see duplicate posts and there are two post IDs, the likely cause is you’ve accidentally made two of the same API post requests. Our system checks for duplicate posts, so the second post should be blocked. However, if the posts are made at the exact same time, both may be published.

There are a few things you can do to verify that two post calls were made.

Check Your System Logs

The best place to start is your own system logs and code.

  • Look for the API post request and response in the logs to see if there are two requests.
  • Verify that the post request doesn’t have unintended automatics retries. For example, if the request took over 30 seconds to respond, the system automatically retried the request - sometimes larger images or videos take longer for the social platforms to process.

Use the Ayrshare Dashboard

Go to the Ayrshare Dashboard and switch to the relevant User Profile. Next, search for the post IDs in the search box. Only the last 100 posts are loaded, so you may need to load more to find the posts IDs.

Open the API Request & Response accordion and in the Request section is the request create time. Compare the times of the two posts to see if they were sent at different moments. The different Post IDs is also an indication two different API requests were made.

These steps should help you in determining the cause of the duplicate posts. Please let us know if you need any help on this.

More Information on Duplicate Posts

See Duplicate and Similar Posts for more information.