Ayrshare analyzes your posts for compliance with the social networks’ guidelines. Most of the social networks have rules around what content is allowed to be posted and how frequently posts can be made. Breaking these rules can result in your social account being locked, suspended, or even shadow banned.

Shadow banning is when your social account is still active and you can still post, but users aren’t seeing the posts because the network banned you…but didn’t tell you. Often a steep loss of engagement is an indication of a shadow ban.

Social Post Verification System

Every post sent through Ayrshare goes through a verification check to minimize the risk of being rejected by the social networks. This helps keep your social account in good standing with the networks.

The following are some of the checks performed by the Social Post Verification System:

  • Limit the number of repeat mentions. We recommend to not mention the same handle more than once a week. Your own handle is always allowed. We also will limit the number of mentions per day to stay in compliance with the social networks’ policies. A connected social account may only mention the same handle once every 2 days.

  • Prevent duplicate and similar posts. Please see below.

  • Spam detector to help prevent the social networks from marking your account as spam.
  • Remove banned Instagram hashtag and hashtag count complies with guidelines.
  • Verify the post length meets the social networks’ requirements. For example, is the tweet length 280 characters or less. Please see TweetStorm for using Twitter Threads for longer posts.

  • Verify images and videos are valid and comply with network requirements.

  • Check for URLs that go against the social networks’ policies, such as adult content.
  • Check images for content deemed inappropriate by the social networks, such as adult content or extreme violence.

  • Limit the number of post within a given time period. For example Instagram only allows 50 posts per account during a rolling 24-hour period and LinkedIn only allows 150 posts per account every 24 hours.

Duplicate and Similar Posts

Every post should be as unique as possible.

Cross-posting is sharing the exact same post across different social media networks, or on the same account multiple times. It is not recommended.

Your audience doesn’t like the same story over and over again, and neither do the social networks.

The social networks frown on duplicate and similar posts. These posts get poor visibility and engagement, and sometimes the networks suspend or ban accounts with too many duplicate or similar posts.

The social network X, for example, explicitly does not allow duplicate content posted across multiple X handles. Violation of this rule will lead to a suspended account.

Ayrshare prevents duplicate and similar posts from being scheduled within two days of each other using several algorithms including Dice’s Co-Efficient.

Please see the Max Pack Generate API endpoint on how to create variations of posts.

For more information on duplicate posts see Dealing with Duplicate Posts.


Only mention users who have clearly indicated a desire to be contacted by you. For example, if a user has directly mentioned your account or your brand name, thats a good sign that they’re interested in receiving a response from you. Bulk or automated unsolicited mentions in response to generic or broad discussions of a topic or industry are prohibited. In the absence of other interactions, following your account does not constitute an intent to be automatically contacted by you.

Continuously mentioning the same handle in a short period, especially if the mentions are unsolicited or irrelevant, could lead to your account being restricted or banned due to spammy behavior.

What This Means

Every time you mention a handle, the handle’s owner gets a notification of the mention. Mentioning the same handle repeatedly could be considered spam or even harassment by the social networks.

Mention Restriction

A connected Ayrshare social account may only mention the same handle once every 2 days and allow up to five mentions per post. To prevent abuse, deleted posts with mentions count towards the total.

Ayrshare has established mention limits based on extensive experience with social network APIs. These restrictions reflect both official guidelines and observed practices of various platforms. The limits are designed to ensure users comply with each social network’s policies and maintain good standing on these platforms.


We recommend not mentioning the same handle more than once a week. Instead of doing an @mention, use a hashtag such as #Name or just directly include the person/company’s name in the post text. The social networks have great search engines that will surface the content.

We recommend limiting the number of post within a given time period to maximize views and engagement. Some social networks have hard limits. For example, Instagram only allows 50 posts per account during a rolling 24-hour period, TikTok 20 per day, and LinkedIn 150 posts per day. Ayrshare will ensure that the hard limits set by the networks are abided by.

Each social network has recommendations on daily post limits. Going over these limits typically decreases views and engagement.

When it comes to posting on the social networks, more is not necessarily better. For example, Facebook recommends no more than 5 daily posts, and over 25 posts could negatively impact engagement and cause partial blocking. In other words, if you post above the recommended limit the social network will likely deem you a spammer and start hiding your content.

The following are the recommended social posting limits:

Social NetworkRecommended Daily Limits
Google My Business15

All posts are subject to Ayrshare’s fair use policy to prevent abuse of the social networks’ services.

Banned Hashtags

Banned Instagram hashtags automatically removed from posts.

X Automated Label

X allows you to label your X account as “Automated”. This is required by X for all accounts that send automated, programmatically generated posts. For example if you automated weather, stock, or news updated that had no human intervention is writing.

One of the benefits of this label is that other X users will have better transparency and insight into tweets that come from bots.

How to Turn on Twitter Automated Bot Label

Please turn on the Automated label by:

  1. Log into your X account.
  2. Go to your account settings.
  3. Select “Your account”.
  4. Select “Automation”.
  5. Select “Managing account”.
  6. Next, select the X account, which runs your bot account. This is required to identify the owner of the bot account.
  7. Enter your password to log in.
  8. Finally, you should see confirmation that the label has been applied to your account.

For additional information see here.