JSON for a basic post with a link and image to LinkedIn:

LinkedIn Post
  "post": "The best LinkedIn post ever #best https://www.linkedin.com",
  "mediaUrls": ["https://img.ayrshare.com/012/gb.jpg"],
  "platforms": ["linkedin"]
  • The post field accepts up to 3,000 characters.
  • LinkedIn will automatically preview the link in the post unless there is an image or video included. In the above example the image will show. Removing the image will cause the link preview to show. If the link preview cannot be retrieved, the post will still be published and a linkPreviewFailed: true field will be returned in the /post response.

  • Hashtags are clickable in LinkedIn. Use the # symbol to specify a LinkedIn hashtag.
  • If your video doesn’t end in a known video extension such as mp4, please use the isVideo parameter. See the /post endpoint for details.

  • LinkedIn video processing takes several minutes to complete. Please wait before trying the share URL or getting video analytics.

  • LinkedIn limits 150 posts per day per LinkedIn account.
  • Posting to LinkedIn Groups is not supported.
  • See LinkedIn Media Guidelines for more information.

You must be a “Super Admin” or a “Content Admin” to connect a LinkedIn company page.

Video Publishing Permissions

On LinkedIn, only users with specific permissions can publish videos to company pages:

  1. Users with Admin permissions.
  2. Users with Direct Sponsored Content (DSC) permissions.

Content Administrators do not have the ability to publish videos to LinkedIn company pages.

Video Thumbnail

Set a LinkedIn thumbnail for a video. Send a remote URL of a PNG or JPG file that is the same dimensions as the video and less than 10 MB. URL should end in .png or .jpg.

Use the thumbNail in the linkedInOptions object.

LinkedIn Video Thumbnail
  "linkedInOptions": {
    "thumbNail": "https://octodex.github.com/images/Fintechtocat.png"

Alternative Text

Add LinkedIn alternative text, also known as LinkedIn alt text, to a LinkedIn image. LinkedIn alt text is an accessibility feature used for additional user info and screen readers. LinkedIn does not support altText on videos or documents.

Use the altText in the linkedInOptions object.

LinkedIn Alt Text
  "linkedInOptions": {
    "altText": ["This is my best pic", "😃 here is the next one"] // Array of Alt Texts

Each alt text must correspond to an image in the mediaUrls array. The alt text will be applied to each image in order.


Add title or media captions to LinkedIn images or videos.

Use the titles in the linkedInOptions object.

LinkedIn Titles
  "linkedInOptions": {
    "titles": ["This is an amazing video", "😃 here is the next one"] // Array of Alt Texts

Each title must correspond to an image or video in the mediaUrls array. The title will be applied to each image or video in order.

Multi Image Posts

You may post up to 9 image URLs in the mediaUrls to LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Multi Image Post
  "mediaUrls": ["https://url1", ..., "https://url9"]

LinkedIn does not yet support carousel images for organic posts.

LinkedIn Mentions

Mention another LinkedIn organization handle by adding @handle in the post text. The @handle is the name of the company or organization. You can mention in posts, comments, and reply to comments.

For example,

LinkedIn Mention
  "post": "The best social media API @ayrshare ever!",
  "platforms": ["linkedin"]

Ayrshare makes an attempt to resolve the @mention by doing a lookup on the handle. If the @mention is not found, the @ will be removed from the post since LinkedIn will not accept posts with unresolved mentions. Individual LinkedIn profiles cannot be mentioned.

LinkedIn has a bug that prevents mentions from being resolved if there is a lone @ in the post text, so we recommend to not use lone @ in the post text with other mentions.

Please review the important rules on mentions.

LinkedIn Documents

Use the API to post a document on LinkedIn. Supported file formats include: PPT, PPTX, DOC, DOCX, and PDF. Ensure the document is under 100MB in size and does not exceed 300 pages.

Below is a code sample demonstrating how to post a PPTX document with a title:

LinkedIn Document Post
  "post": "What a great document",
  "platforms": ["linkedin"],
  "linkedInOptions": {
    "title": "Sample PPTX" // optional. If not specified, the file name used.
  "mediaUrls": ["https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/torman_personal/files/samplepptx.pptx"]

The media URL provided must end in a known document extension: ppt, pptx, doc, docx, or pdf.

LinkedIn Audience Targeting

LinkedIn allows you to target your organic posts to specific groups of users. You can target by countries, industry, job title, and more.

LinkedIn targeting requires at least 300 followers in the targeted audience. For example if you have 400 followers and target just users in the country US, but only 200 of your followers are in the US, the targeting will fail since the audience is too small.

Use the targeting object in the linkedInOptions object:

LinkedIn Audience Targeting
  "linkedInOptions": {
    "targeting": {
      "countries": ["US", "IN", "DE", "GB"],
      "seniorities": ["Senior", "VP"],
      "degrees": ["Master of Digital Design", "Bachelor of Engineering"],
      "fieldsOfStudy": ["Consumer Economics", "Computer Games and Programming Skills"],
      "industries": ["Telecommunications Carriers", "Banking"],
      "jobFunctions": ["Information Technology", "Entrepreneurship"],
      "staffCountRanges": ["size_51_to_200", "size_5001_to_10000"]

The available targeting options are listed in the following JSON files:

LinkedIn Auth Refresh

LinkedIn must be reauthorized every year via the Social Accounts page.

  • An email and webhook social action notification will be sent 10 days in advance of authorization expiration.

  • The refresh required date and remaining days can be retrieved from the /user endpoint.

  • The user will see on their social account linkage page an alert and a refresh button 30 days prior to expiration.

Please see here for more examples of using the LinkedIn API.