Only Instagram Business or Creator accounts connected to a Facebook Company Page are supported.

Instagram does not support Personal Facebook accounts, Creator Studio accounts, and publishing to IGTV.

See below for details.

Please be sure you are the admin of Facebook Page and grant all permissions to Pages, Instagram accounts, and selections. Failure to do so might prevent successful posting.

Linking Facebook/Instagram

Instagram authenticates through Facebook, so when you click the Instagram icon on the Social Accounts page, a Facebook sign-in will pop-up - please be sure you allow pop-ups.


Click To Link Instagram

Click the Instagram icon on the Social Accounts page.


First Time Instagram Linking

The first time you link Instagram, you will be asked to authenticate through Facebook.

If you have previously connected Ayrshare with Facebook and don’t see this image, skip to step 3.


Edit Instagram Settings

Click Edit Settings during the initial set up.


Authorize Instagram Business or Creator Accounts

Check all the Instagram Business Accounts or Instagram Creator Accounts. Click Next.


Select Facebook Pages

Check all Facebook Pages. Click Next.


Enable Permissions

Turn all permissions to Yes. Click Done. You will then be asked to select a specific Instagram account to link with Ayrshare. Once selected your link will be complete and you can start posting to Instagram.



Your Social Accounts page will now be updated with your Instagram account.

Enabling an Instagram Business or Creator Account

Instagram requires that your account be an Instagram Business or Instagram Creator account be linked to Facebook Page, but don’t worry, it is free and easy to set up.

Learn more about Instagram Business and Creator accounts.

If you don’t have a Facebook Page, you can set up one.

Your Instagram account is required to be a Business or Creator Profile and connected to your Facebook Page. This is required by Instagram for posting images and videos.

If you already have a Facebook Page, continue on. Otherwise, create a new Facebook Page by logging into Facebook and going to the Facebook Page Creation.

Switching from a Personal to Business or Creator Account

If you have a personal Instagram account, open up the Instagram mobile app:

  • Go to your profile and tap the menu icon ≡ in the upper right corner to go to the Settings and activity page.

  • Scroll down to the For professionals section.
  • Click Account type and tools.
  • Tap Switch to professional account.
  • Go through the steps to set up your account and select with Creator or Business.
  • You maybe be asked to select a Facebook Page to connect.

If you already have an Instagram Business/Creator account, you can connect your Facebook Page to Instagram by going to the Facebook Page you manage -> Page Settings -> Instagram. If it isn’t connected you can click the “Connect” button on that page.

Switching from a Business to Creator or Vice Versa

If you want to switch from a Business account to a Creator account or vice versa:

  • Go to your profile and tap the menu icon ≡ in the upper right corner to go to the Settings and activity page.

  • Scroll down to the For professionals section.
  • Click Creator (or Business) tools and controls.
  • Scroll down and tap Switch account type.
  • Choose to switch to Creator or Business.

If you do have a Business or Creator account, but when linking Ayrshare you receive an error saying your account isn’t a Creator or Business, try switching your Instagram back to Personal and then back to Creator or Business. This often resets the account type and allows you to link Ayrshare.

Connect a Facebook Page to Instagram

If you already have an Instagram Business or Creator Account and want to connect a Facebook Page, see detailed instructions.

Or if you want to create a new Facebook Page.

You can check if you have an Instagram Account linked with your Facebook Page:

  • Log into Facebook on your desktop
  • Navigate to one of your Facebook pages you are an admin. This will be the one you want to link with an Instagram account.
  • On the left-hand panel under “Manage Page” click “Settings”. It usually is at the bottom.
  • Under Page Settings click “Instagram”.

The top title will say “Connected Instagram Account” if one is connected. Otherwise you will be able to connect one.

Troubleshooting Instagram

If you’re having issues with Instagram please see the troubleshooting guide.

Additional Instagram Information

Instagram has very strict requirements on image sizes. Images must have a width of at least 1080 pixels with an aspect ratio between 1.91:1 and 4:5.

Ayrshare will detect if your image size is not correct and respond with an error.

Image and Video Guidelines