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January 2025

December 2024

  • Dashboard. The User Profiles page performance in the web dashboard has been optimized. You will now get a smooth scrolling and loading experience regardless of how many user profiles you have in your account.

  • Dashboard. The Posts page in the web dashboard now allows you to include deleted posts in your history timeline. This lets you access, filter, and search deleted posts in the same way as successful posts.

  • Deleted Posts. If you or your users have manually deleted a post on a social network, you can mark it as manually deleted in Ayrshare. This will prevent Ayrshare from trying to delete the post in the future and allow you to access a more accurate post history.

  • Webhooks. You can now get all the registered webhooks for all your user profiles in a single call.

  • Analytics. Instagram post analytics now includes share, followers gained, profile visits, and profile activity counts.

  • Comments. TikTok comments now return the name of the person who made the comment.

  • Comments. X comments now return the ID of the Tweet the comment was replied to.

November 2024

  • All New Docs. Check out the new Ayrshare docs. We migrated to a more advanced Documentation platform with many user experience improvements versus the prior version.

  • Instagram Analytics. Instagram post analytics now includes the metrics for how many times your reel replayed after the first time and how total times your reel played after the first impression.
  • Hashtags. The hashtags endpoint now allows you to specify a language hint to keep the hashtags in the same language as the post.
  • X Analytics. X/Twitter Social analytics now returns the most recent Tweet and the Pinned Tweet, if a pinned Tweet has been set.
  • Dashboard. In the developer dashboard, Auto-Scheduled Posts are now tagged as “Auto-Schedule”.
  • Auto-Schedule. Get all the pending Auto-Scheduled Posts via the API. This returns the list of posts that have been scheduled but not yet published.
  • TikTok. You can check if a linked TikTok account is a business account with the Social Analytics endpoint.
  • Instagram Comments. The comments endpoint now returns the Instagram top-level post ID to identify the original post.
  • History. The history endpoint now returns “paused” scheduled posts. In addition the number of past posts returned was increased to 1000.
  • Linking Page. Add a footer and copyright info on the user profile social linking page. Max Pack required.
  • Image Conversion. The image resizing endpoint can now convert a PNG or other image type to a JPG as part of the conversion process. Max Pack required.

October 2024

  • First Comment. Automatically add a first comment to your published social media posts. The first social media posts. The first comment is a great feature that allows you to add more details and context, boost engagement, and set the tone of the conversation.

  • Comment Errors. Comment errors also are returned in an errors array field to align with how post errors are returned. how post errors are returned.

  • X/Twitter Comments. You can now add media to X/Twitter comments and comment replies, which includes both images and videos.

  • Pinterest Analytics. Pinterest metrics were enhanced and now include one full year of analytics data, lifetime now include one full year of analytics data, lifetime comments, and reactions for both images and videos.

  • RSS Feeds. When adding an RSS feed you can now select which social networks the article is published. This is available both on the dashboard and via the API.

  • Dashboard. In the Ayrshare Dashboard API page there is a new Monthly API Calls overview, which now includes comment API calls as well as post API calls.

September 2024

  • Facebook Analytics. The History Get All Posts and Analytics endpoints now return the users who liked a Facebook post. For each user, you can get the user name and the user ID.

  • Content Moderation. There is a new Moderation endpoint which checks if the content is harmful or inappropriate. This endpoint supports both text and images.

  • LinkedIn Linking. Connecting LinkedIn company pages previously required the user to be a Super Admin on the page. Now Content Admins who manage the LinkedIn company page can connect, allowing them to post, get analytics, and manage comments.

  • User Management. The User endpoint now returns both the Page ID and User ID for Facebook and Instagram.

  • Dashboard. The web dashboard Post page now shows an icon indicator if the post was published from an rss feed.

  • Facebook Reviews. Facebook Reviews now return the profile picture of the reviewer.

  • Google Reviews. Google Business Profile Reviews now return all your reviews, even if there are thousands.

August 2024

  • LinkedIn History. Now you can get the post history for LinkedIn personal pages. Previously only LinkedIn company pages returned history. Requires relinking of LinkedIn with Ayrshare.

  • LinkedIn Analytics. There are new data points available for LinkedIn personal and company pages including likedBy and comment details.

  • LinkedIn Lookup. The brand endpoint now allows you to look up a person or company. This is useful to see details of who liked one of your posts.

  • Facebook History. You can limit the results for a Facebook Page history to only show posts that were published by the page itself. This will filter out all the content that was not published by the page.

  • User Profile. The user endpoint now returns a new field with the timestamp of the last time that an API call was made for this user profile.

  • X Long Posts. You can publish long posts to Premium X Accounts. Long posts can be up to 25,000 characters long. You can also now get full long Post data including the full body and URL in the long Post body when calling analytics or history.

  • Web Dashboard. The post page design was improved and several new content types were added. You can now post Facebook and Instagram Reels or Stories or YouTube Shorts directly from the dashboard.

  • Team Management. When you invite a team member you can now see if they accepted the invite or resend the invite from the Dashboard User Profiles page.

  • AI Video Titles. The video transcripts now include a suggested title. This is useful for posting to YouTube which requires a title for every video upload. (Max Pack Required)

  • Pausing Posts. You can pause and unpause scheduled posts with the post endpoint.

  • Sentiment Analysis. The generate endpoint now can generate sentiment analysis for a post or comment to understand if it is negative, positive, or neutral. The result also includes recommendations on how to improve.

  • Instagram Analytics. Instagram analytics has been enhanced to return additional demographic data on the engaged audience.

  • TikTok Photos. You can now post to TikTok with a photo. Previously a video was required.

July 2024

June 2024

  • Ayrshare Messaging API. The Ayrshare Messaging Add-On is an optional paid add-on that allows your platform to manage the direct messaging for your users including Facebook Messenger, Instagram Messaging, and X/Twitter Messaging.

  • YouTube Comments. You can now delete comments on YouTube by using the YouTube comment ID.

  • Auto Hashtags. Introducing the new fully rebuilt auto-hashtag system with more relevant hashtags and no limit on post length. The amount of hashtags has also been increased to allow up to 10 hashtags per post.

  • Web Dashboard. The dashboard UI has been updated with the ability to remove all the target social networks in the post page with a single click, and a new code example section in the API Key page.

  • User Profile Management. The Profiles endpoint has been enhanced to allow you to filter the results to profiles that have active social accounts or contain certain platforms.

May 2024

  • Google Business. You can now update your Google Business Profile location data including phone numbers, website URL, map location, and more.

  • History Search. With the History endpoint you can now search post IDs across all your user profiles. This is useful if you have a post ID and do not know which user profile posted it.

  • User Profile Tags. Add your own tags to a user profile so you can better organize and manage profiles. The web dashboard also allows you to see the tags assigned and search for tags in the User Profiles page.

  • YouTube Captions. Add your own custom captions to a YouTube video with a SRT or SVB file.

  • NPM Package. An updated Node.js NPM package was released with new endpoints and more detailed documentation. The package was also renamed to social-media-api.

  • Facebook Comments. You can now add an image as part of your comment on Facebook.

  • Linkedin Comments. Linkedin Comments now return the like count for that specific comment.

  • Linkedin Brands. The Brands endpoint for Linkedin data was enhanced with the localized name of the account, company specialities, and company description.

  • Disable Comments. You can disable comments on a post on Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok. This works on new posts or already published posts.

  • Historical Posts. Get historical post data from TikTok on posts that were not posted via Ayrshare.

  • Instagram Analytics. New data points available for Instagram Stories including replies, shares, and exit counts.

  • AI Generate. Generate social media post text with AI based on one or more images. This can also be used to write an image caption.

  • Web Dashboard. For each user profile listed in the dashboard, you can see the connected social networks. Each social network icon can be hovered to see the name on the social network.

  • Social Linking. In the web dashboard and in your social linking page, there are now profile images shown next to the page or company name.

April 2024

March 2024

  • Instagram Collaborators. Instagram collaboration allows you to co-author content with other accounts. The public original author can tag another private or public account as a collaborator. Add Instagram collaborators to media posts.

  • Google Business Profile. Additional data on Google Business Profile is now available including links to the reviews and map, place Id, and other data. Getting this additional data requires relinking of the Google Business Profile.

  • Facebook Page, Instagram, Google Profile Location. On the page linking screen, you can now display the page location for a Facebook Page, Instagram account, and Google Business profile.

  • Facebook Profile Analytics. Facebook Social Profile Analytics now returns up to 4 quarters of data. You can set the data to be returned either aggregated or daily.

  • Facebook History. Facebook Stories now returned in the Get All History endpoint.

  • Social Linking Page. The Ayrshare Social Linking page now supports redirecting to the origin opening tab or window.

  • Facebook Reviews. You can now reply to a review on Facebook.

  • Instagram Followers. Instagram Get Followers Online has an enhanced UTC Format. This data returns the total historical count of your Instagram followers online per hour, which allows you to optimize posting for maximum engagement.

  • Instagram Carousel. Now publish both videos and images in an Instagram carousel. Up to a combined 10 media items can be included.

  • TikTok. TikTok captions now support line breaks with the “\n” character.

February 2024

  • Reviews. Get, reply, and delete reviews on Google Business Profile and Facebook Pages using the new /reviews endpoint.

  • Linkedin Comments. Get LinkedIn comments by comment ID for comments done outside of Ayrshare.

  • Linkedin Mentions. Linkedin mentions in comments and reply to comments now resolve to the referenced organization handle.

  • Public Profile Data. Now you can search for Facebook Pages and Linkedin names in the brand endpoint. Look up users’ or companies’ social media public information, such as followers, profile image, and websites. These users and companies do not need to be a linked Ayrshare user.

  • Facebook Comments. The comments endpoint API for Facebook Comments now returns replies directly in the response body.

  • Instagram Banned Hashtags. Check for banned hashtags by using the new API endpoint or the new web tool. This is helpful to keep your accounts safe from suspensions or shadow banning.

  • Facebook Groups. Facebook has announced that they will be removing API access to Facebook Groups. Learn more.

January 2024

  • Longer Instagram Videos. Instagram Video posts now support up to 15 minute lengths and 1 GB. This is an increase from the prior 60 seconds and 100 MB.

  • Translate Post Text. Choose over 100 different languages to translate your post text. For example, translate English to French or Spanish to German. The source language is automatically detected.

  • Error Translation. Error messages can be automatically translated to the language of your choice. This is useful if you want to display the error directly to your user in their preferred language.

  • Pinterest Analytics. Additional Pinterest data points are available for get all history including post title, notes, and board id.

  • Check Post Length. The Check Post Length endpoint now includes validations for Facebook, Google Business Profile, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube.

  • New User Batch Endpoints. When you need a large data set, the batch endpoints are a great option. You can use the batch endpoints to get json files for all your user profiles and then use the webhook to let you know when the file is ready.

  • Linkedin Historical Posts. Get historical data for a Linkedin post published outside of Ayrshare.

  • Linkedin Posts Reactions. The Get All Post endpoint for LinkedIn now returns reactions for the post, such as Likes, Praise, Maybe, and Appreciation.

  • Last API Call Time. Access the time that you last used the API key in the web dashboard in the API Key section.

  • Ayrshare Dashboard History. The web dashboard now allows you to load all your historical posts or webhook logs with a new “Load more” button.

  • Webhook Errors. View the error rate of your webhooks to see the percentage of success vs error responses.